Friday, October 29, 2010

Five More Days

I am urging everyone to vote on Tuesday.  I know some of these guys are not worthy and it is hard to tell one from the other in many cases.  Don't let the bad guys win (on both sides) by not voting.  If you are in any one of many polarized groups I'm sure you know who you're going to vote for.  If not, and you still want to do some fact checking, a good website to check out.

They appear to be neutral and give you a quick glimpse of what people have said and given each statement a rating of true, mostly true, half true, half false, mostly false, false or liar, liar pants on fire.

It's quick, easy and to the point.  A Pulitzer Prize winning website.  Go for it.

Here's a link to my previous post on the election.

I'm not going to try to tell you how to vote.  JUST VOTE!

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