Well, keep his words top of mind as you observe what's going on around us.
- We just elected a new bunch of knuckleheads to replace the old knuckleheads
- Young people are smoking at a higher and heavier rate - look out for your arteries, kids (I know)
- The words "5 year A.R.M , We'll help you Qualify" are popping up occasionally in newspaper ads
- Another set of swear words: "Unlock the Equity in your Home" is creeping into the on line ads
- Today's prejudices make those of the 60s look mild
- The school day is getting shorter
- The average parking garage has more SUVs than fuel efficient cars
- American Girl "cult" is like Barbie Doll craze, only 100 times more expensive and addictive
I can usually come up with a couple of good posts when I'm annoyed or ticked off. I lose all writing ability when I am bent over throwing up from disgust with what is going on. So- I'm taking a long weekend in the Florida sun to get over it.
I know, I know - sun is BAD for my skin. See - I am one of those not remembering the past. Guess I'm condemned. Sailport here I come. No computer - only SUN, CHLORINE, SAND and my sister and a good friend. See you next week. I've earned all these wrinkles and at least I'm not lying about them - nor am I expecting the tax payers to pay for them.
And now every time I go on the Internet I am treated to this socially destructive suggestion.
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