Saturday, November 20, 2010

Your New Queen Speaks

Having survived this recent election by not killing myself or others,  I propose the following:

We install a monarchy.
I AM the new Queen of The USA
All of my grandparents came from Poland - I am blonde
  Election Results: 
 What election?  My grandmother was Queen of Summit, New Jersey - I was the1957 Soccer Queen  at C.H.S. So there!
   Lynn S. Crawford - not stately.  How about Linus Siergiej de la Crayford VIII
  Chain of Command:
I have six equally qualified children.  Pick the one who wins beer pong challenge.

My Ten Suggestions: (not comandments)

  • Get rid of Senators to save billions in salaries - not to mention offices and perks.
  • Get rid of Congressmen -same as above
  • Divide Country into 9 sections - Northeast, Southeast, Upper Midwest, Lower Midwest, Upper Prarie, Lower Prarie, Upper West Coast, Lower West Coast.  Hawaii and Alaska
  • Create a new governing body made up of Governors of States
  • Mayors of town become advisors to Governors
  • Give Puerto Rico a voice.  They have such lovely music and food.
  • Make the Governor of Indiana share his fiscal philosophy with everyone else.
  • Get rid of the teachers unions and bring back the nuns
  • Set each election period for two months maximum and equal time on all channels, no exceptions
  • Drug companies should be banned from advertising - just eat right and laugh a lot.

The older I get the more I believe in the power of people vs. government.  Vote for me for queen - no - wait - I'm annointed.   I am the Queen of the Universe!  Hail to the Queen.


  1. Less government, I know one grandson would would agree.

  2. That's about the only thing we'll agree on.
