- I finally feel like leaving the house - I need to walk
- There are only teeny weeny traces of snow on our lawn
I'm re-econnecting with friends -started today with old Pioneer Bank friends
- I'm finally able to attend our fabulous writing group
- I put the #$%@&^* Christmas cards either in the recycle bin or the scrapbook
- I started the taxes
- Aches and pains will not deter me - they are part of life and help me avoid certain chores
- I actually like American Idol without myopic Paula and mean man Simon - good talent this year
- I saw a private pleasure boat on the lake today
- I have about 10 topics for my blog
- My oldest grandson paid a visit
- Two of my granddaughters sent me letters - real, handwritten letters
- Finally cancelled the terminally ill Tribune
- Newberry Library classes have started
- Looking forward to seeing my old "roomies" in Tucson in May
- I've accepted that death is part of the cycle of life and celebrate my departed kith and kin
- Hope someone can describe "kith"
Now - the next challenge: BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH.
"Kith" includes me and the folks on your Facebook page: friends and acquaintances and all the permutations in between.